Sunday, December 23, 2007

Mera jahaan

Hmm its been so long..soo bloody long that I have written something..
But I never wanted to write anything without any if u ask me that
Did u get any bloody reason then I would say..hmm may be…
But I just felt like writing...
Because I wonder how can a filimmaker think of a mind so beautifully..
When that white paint dropes from brush fell slowly to the kids face I was amazed.
When he saw the world around with bright blue eyes..i wondered..sitting on my chair..
Hmm comeon let free free our minds..nobody knows the value of thinking free..
Letting our imagination go round and fetch the brightest of diamonds in dark univers..
Its not about getting the right thing but its all about knowing and realizing..yes..
Realizing is a word with so many depth within..
Realizing hmm…when they sang “open eye..i just want to be free”…
I knew thoselines meant for me…it really..those things meant a lot for me..we all have a beutifull world within ourself..we water it..we take care of it..and we are so hapy to be in that world..
Where we see our own colors..our own objects a nd feelings..nobody understands and recognizes the value of that beutifull world…
I really know.. what really it means..and I was so happy to see that someone else was also
Knowing all these..hahah
My own world which is hmm ..filled with bright light yellow color..where always u find breze which sounds like soft guitar tunes..u find dew dropes which looks like diamonds..
U find all the good feelings ,good memories of mine framed on walls…
Where wakling is soo free and easy..hmm..
So bloody beutifull…hahahaha

Monday, October 08, 2007

Rust in Time

i am tiered of getting rusted with time
i may get lost in mind but somewhere
it gets me thoughts on heights.
and again i am tiered of bursting with nothing.

sometimes these lights around becomes red
and i fell in deep dark round circles.
but still i hold the ropes of hopes climb up and fight.
but i am tired of getting rusted with time.

when those sounds of abstraction came and hit;
my ears started bleeding again, but my blood looked
as if it had nothing to say.
i thought its just water and wiped it with my fear.
and again i feel afraid of getting rusted with time.

now i know why i feel afraid ,but cant hold on to the
Ropes of factor, yes again
i feel tiered of getting rusted with time.
and this facts and reasons seems to be way far ahead
where you just find a desert filled with sands of blood stones.
and yes i do feel rusted with time.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Philosophical Dimension To our GOAn trip (REINCARNATION contnd..)

I thought of writing this as soon as i am back fromGOA but i could' that Nid has written about the trip
i dont have much things to write..because tht blog and the photos speaks it all ...Even then when i was going through the snaps.
i knew this is one fcn journey that we had...most of us thinks that trip is Ok but i believe this is something which is gona stay in our mind
for a long time..we get old,we get marry,we have children...we become responsible father cum husband cum son cum bla bla bla....
then u might not even get time to Start a bike..i have lived life in here for almost 24 years now..and if i go above and God asks me..
What you have done when you are young..then i can proudly tell him..these things..
haha God will go mad in that case afraid of loosing all these...but full stop let me live in i was talking about trip yaa..

Main gud thing what we have done is taking those bikes for rental..i dont know what is so great about bikes..i was reading something like
insidea car its like watching a TV...all sarroundings are passing u through window u r seing it like fast moving pictures.but bikes are are constantly in touch
with the are breathing in that air which is sarrounded and you feel the pace of the ride.whatever its written in that book its right.
i had written manythings like this before but still everytime i go for a trip i find new dimension to it. oh my God so i am defining wht it feels like a ride in bike..
it has endless dimension.
i know i am deviating from the main topic our trip but why i have written much here because this is the only reason why the trip wil stay in our mind.
second is GOAn roads and feel of GOA...details about what we did where we went an all u'll get it from nid's blog where he conveys that hes married with Road
I wonder what his childrens will look alike.leave it anyways.let him ive with his bride.but do read this link cos it gives everything about our trip.

again hmm..lets comebak to trip and ride.we were exhausted and tired manytime..but i noticed onething nomatter how tired you are once you get into bike.
you are alive..
i noticed this when we were exhausted at baga beach and we started riding to panaji at night 12...all were alive and kicking after sometime..that was amazing.
oh shit i forgot to mension one thing Bullet..that bike is amazing..i dont know who has made it but whoever made it thanx dude.we'll never forget it.
and according to me the second highlight of the trip will be the fort .agauda fort.i was reading the history of that fort where it is written like this fort which looks pretty ordinary used to
be a parkinglot for portugese ships..that was amazing.once i enter to the fort i saw the other side is sea feeels so great to be there.

anyways.according to me all other highlights comes next Goan beaches...Old GOa .
ya Old Goa also makes me wonder it used to call as Western ROM or something like used to be the capital of portugese empire here.Oh gosh thats amazing.
when you enter st.vincent church you wonder about him..his body is kept there and you get more details about his life and times.
again what amazed me was that pictures taken by some famous photographer somewhere aound 1950 s he had taken these snaps and i was amazed with the shades in those
photographs...i was telling photographer in our team nishanth about this..hmmm...then one great thing is john and his eye of a tiger...he senses the road and the direction like
hes been living there thats amazing...then jayan and his Ornament buying and Hindi ..that was too gud..saravanan also with his cmera had taken some beutifull videos and snaps.
some snaps of rax has come gud. there is one snap where nishanth ,jayan and rax r sittin in fort facing the sea.just similar to DCH ....that movie s so great...after writing this i think
i 'll watch it once again...i dont have much philosophical things to say...
days will fade..seasons will change..ppl tend to forget gud times they had..coz they usually focus on the bad side of lfe
which is very less...even i have the same habit coz am a human..but raise the toast for this Trip because...i never thought i will drive through road s of goa..but it happened...
may be after some years you may find a post me riding through europe..haha thats crazy...
so for all all you people out aim to Laddak...we should..cos Himalayan feel is something different ...

but since wee are focusing on this trip i have only one thing to say..
"Hum Dosth the ,Hum Dosth hai Rahenge"!!!
Bye Guys lemme search DVD for DCH...
(by te way i got new feathers from birth of arun..its arun version 1.1 now..REINCARNATION)
for entire snaps u can refer:

Thursday, September 27, 2007


The day has come.after a month of uncertainty we all are going to goa atlast
We all had tighten our bags. Packed whatever we can. just a wait for the start now.
i just came to the office.
not really in a mood to work..why the hell shld i..smiles all over..and again hoping for a memorable trip.
i wanted to name the trip as reincarnation from the begining and now am doing it officially.
The word has lot to do with my perspective for this.and me as i am taking a long needed break in life which i needed.
i want a rebirth to this world..i wanted to shed all my
old feathers ,i wanted to get new skin on which i could fly troo the clouds of fresh air.hmm..
this is too much of blabbering i know but iwant it..bit nervous cos i dont know how the trip will turn out.
Weather forecast is bad i know..hmm i cannot imagine goa in rain anyways...i believe its the uncertainty
that gives birth to beuty in all the things..may be ..may not be..but all set..eight of us will be travelling tonight..
eight of us will be having the sip of excitment,8 of us will be together...and
8 of us...

Gonna be

On Board

All together..
to be contind....

Monday, September 24, 2007

Truly Heaven

I was born in 1983...when I was growing up I heard that India won the world cricket championship under kapil dev.i never had a clue how it feels.i still remember those days when I used to read Sports Star from my friends house..we used to watch those grey shaded TV tapes in which kapil lifts World cup for us.but still I never had a clue how its feels…and after 24 years it started with a bunch of young turks from Indian streets who has played, outplayed.won and vanquished anything and everything...
And now in this night when I saw them opening that champagne bottle when Dhoni lifted the cup..i came to know What it feels feels heaven..
I thing 1983 I was born and 2007 after these many years am reborn...thanks Team..for getting us the that feel which is Truly heaven.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Wandering thoughts on Top of Chamundi

You stand here to witness nothing but a marvelous vision of Light..
i felt the breeze when it hit on my face. I turned around ..tried to visualize the unwritten scenery.once in my mind..
i failed miserably. How sad mr.Arun..i decided to wait again ...its five more minutes to go someone was telling..
My mind was not here..what if i had to go from here..all these moments will become memory. One fine day sipping a cup of coffee
i'll remember these days beautiful hah i know that emotion was an outcome of one fine decision which i thought about during
last two weeks. Quit...may be...lets forget allt those..snake alike road is still showing its mouth for more travelers..
its still getting mind again looked at an object..which is..some Kilometers away but glowing like a golden deposit..
what more lights can add to this..."one more minute to go"..may be light will make it more sharper more...hah God knows..
oh i should not forget why i am here...i should not forget to see that sight of light creating paintings in the sky...
at once once like a ligtning of golden color...
at once like well trained soldiers all the bulbs on the edges started glowing...and it was amazing,
no i will not take the liberty to explain what i saw but...while riding back i knew..what i saw was jst became a frozen moment..
of which iam a part...i know again i'll be having a sip of coffee and thinking..
How beautiful hmm!!!
thats inevitable.

Friday, August 10, 2007

I was mad n I was Wet

Get wet on friendship day...yeah
River rafting had been one of my best thought about wanted things in life.
so what do u do when an opportunity comes in your way...Grab it dude..... yeah i did the same. and more over
it was a decision to play with my Fear. yes water. and its clear.hahah i dont know how to swim
Got up at 5.30 in the morning; got the baggage Went to the pickup spot.
and yes our yellow bus was approaching....jumped into that everything was set...we started the journey....

joking around...making fun. it went on. actually me and rathish were waiting for nid to come..
as we got info that he reached malavalli...we told him to wait..yeas hes waitin there ...
i got the bike keys from and rathish said...we will come in bike...

we both got into the bike.i really wanted to ride the bike.

"here i am ..on the road again..there i go....."

i started bike..and i believed..this is gona be somethin was...

i remember about an old post in the same blog about moving with the wind...yes that was an imagination..
but this ride on the bike was a realization of that imagination.
it was so amazing that now when i think about it..i dont have words to write..
even though some parts of the road were 17KM on the bike was amazing...

and yes now we reached the destination...i saw the Kavri; tried to smile at her..
went near to her..and told.."help me hah i dont knoww swimming"...she was free flowin..i think she did't listen to me..
anyways..i decided to take up the was remembering those lines of an add, says

"Dar ke age jeet hota hai.."

in between i took jayarams cam..started to be an official photographer for the day..roamin in and out..took some pics...

and now the time has come..i need to wear life jacket..hahah yes arun ur goin into water..hooooooooooo.

we all gathered around the boat. our captain was giving us safety precautions what to do and what not to do..
later we all lifted our boats and head towards the river..
am ready now with the jacket an all...i heard a sound

"Lets rock"

i screamd back "Lets start dude"

Excitement started getting on my nerves. now its flowing all over the body...

captain said..”all move forward”..i started...
screamin "Lets go hooooooooooooooooo"

we were slowly moving along with the flow..yeah it feels so between captain was giving instruction to row fwd and backward..
after 3 km of journey through the water we reached an island.
captain said “get out and jump into water”..haha did i hear it right..
me jumping into water ways..i will never ever do that even in my wildest dream...but this devil inside started barking..
atlast i got in water with bit fear bt floating and moving with the fear said bye to me it went out..
hah i enoyed captain called us back.
Yeah..i know "and miles to go before i stop" hahaha..we started again this time with full josh.

in kerala we sing a song while boat racing..all of those who are rowing used to sing this song in full josh.
we did the same in our boat..whenver captain said “move fwd”
we'll start...
“hey thi thi thara thithi they thi they thaka they they thom...Kuttanadan kayalile kochu penne kuyilale”..

hah it was so great...

now wee are almost nearing our "Lakshya" the finishing point.we were expecting some waves to hit our BlackPearl(i would love to call my boat like that.. coz of my love towards pirates)

we all were ready in the boat..waiting for captains command...hear beat started pumpind...i felt asif the whole river has gone silent .it started drizzling .water drops crash landed
to the silence created by excitement .i looked above. I could see the romantic mist surrounding me with hills standing at the borders of river...
and still i was waiting for my captain to say "Move forward"...
yeas i saw the waves coming in..i know we are going to hit that hard..
again scielence allover..and yeas i heard my captain saying..
"Move forward Guyssss!!"

we screamed and started rowing. against the waves...

even though we missed the waves partially ..we rowed with great energy...and we finished first ..
i decided to celebrate it we all stood together and screamed .""hip hip hooraay"...

while going back we all were travelling in an open jeep screeming all the way back to the starting point.
that was the best part of the trip...


i could see excitment all over..even for me it was a new experience..and i loved it...

i looked above to the sky...closed my eyes...and remembered the same advertisement lines

"Dar ke age jeeth hai..."

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Love ya!!

i like moon rather than sun..i was just searching for the reason behind it and as a swr eng first thing i'll do is search in google haha..ya then i got this snap from zoomer..i have been a thomashawk fan from the time i discoverd him and his photos..but keeping that apart here am trying to dig inside my love towards moon...i've spends many hourse layin dwnin my roof loking at moon..those days when i was in love it was a great time pass for me that all those things are over and life has come forward..but still i love to do this in night gives me immens pleasure to look at this glowing creature..many poets hv written about the beuty of moon many times but whenever i look at moon i feel there is something hidden on the other side of moon...i cannot look closer as i dont have a telescope.but its ok for me..anyways..this fellow keeps on glowing from many days....i hope it continues for long...even going further if we discuss about the light which is coming out..the color of it is not has some kind of purity within.....and one more facinating thing is that when the moon appears as half..its beuty becomes't that amazing...not anyways..thanks dude keep i said to sophie once..i've scn "smoooooon" sun n moon together hahaha...cheerz!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

May be..

Experience is a thing which comes with time. And no one can get it early..
as you grow old u see the changes..somethings u thought as important may not have the same value now..its true...
Death and fear of death is what s in the air surrounding me from a while mental state has come to a state where..whatever
u hear u dont feel anything; a state of insensitiveness...Last three weeks has been a tough journey of reality which showed me the
uncensored face of life...i was not surprised...but ..things regarding death of my teacher now with my frnds fathers operation...
as he was like almost taken out
of the jaws of badLife..
now life strikes dude..u have a lot in ur basket ..i appreciate...but this was bit cruel...
its not an age where u get this disease....she still has a long way to go...i really understand how this is gona affect her life ...
i can just pray for her..and keep a positive mind Ha!!..
these night times where i sit with my phone to talk to her...where i dont have words to console her....what can i do..i dont know..
i really dont says one or the other person has some problem..why u take tension...i know shes only worried about her son..
and am worried friends....these are the ppl whom i cannot exclude...when bad storm strikes them i can only be there for em.
thats what i've been doin..but now the issue with me is that i dont have words....i feel as if i am goin out of emotions...
i worry that i will become someone else.....but above all i understand the beauty of life which is about learning from these things...
i've been learning..but each time life surprises me with some or the i dont know how to deal with this cruelty of life...but still
when i go to church..when i pray...and if God hear it...i will i told her...
"Its just a bad time will pass i believe"..hmmmmmmmm...
i believe..?.............

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


i may not have the courage to tell her to relax..when the life has shown its dirty face to you...nobody will have words to express. even i was numb over the phone..its not about losing your vision..its about when u've almost achieved ur vision and u findout thatyou are helpless infront of life..then?i did't had words to tell her to can i..?
thinking maynot help at this point of life i know....but still i dont have left or right turn to take ..only a straight highway which feels like never ending.i know i have to go through this..but what about..? !!
May God help..only he can do.....

Monday, June 25, 2007

My Defence

Madhavikutti has written .getting married to a man whom u never met,u have no clue abt. Its horrible..its equalant to getting raped in your first nite..our country will never changewe.
we paste a sticker in our forhead displaying or values ,relligious ethics bullshits.
when society will understand there are human values above all society? ..society means you and me.atleast dont be bullish for your children .hope we all can make a better decision for next generation.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Am doing great Buddy!!!!

Sometimes back....haha....sometimes back...i started talking about past also these days...
could be regarding anything but i talk about past.thts cool baby,...anyways....
while traveling in bus towards home last weekend ..i was looking outside window...clear sky and
plain fields were making my mind calm..suddelny a thought of satisfaction came to me...
mind was calm ..expect some financial crisis nothing was worrying my life...i was having taste of life in full swing ..all these weekend trips..meeting friends..doing all that i wants..drinking the best coffe
having the best of everything..thank God for all these and many...
i really wana make a memory by stealing a pc of Time i wish i could.
at last am doing great...thts really cool..
[advice to all when u stop using ur mobile phone..
u start enjoing life may sound mad but thats true.]

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I do wana move with wind..It feels so great..dont u know?

Sometimes back i've red it somewhr..about a story of an angel who
sacrificed heaven to marry a human female..he has to become one human
just to fullfill his love..
so my point for today wont be angels wont be love wont be sacrifice either.
i want to talk about the feeling ..which is kinda gud...the feeling which u get
when u travel on a long road..both sides of the road will have trees sky high..
u travel on your bike..u could feel the wind hittin on your face...u really like the whethr..u start remembering some old songs and start singing..all feels so gud..
and you really dont want to stop the bike...u really hope that it run till the end of the world if it exists..
how nice...thats what i feel as a feeling...sometimes in late evenings around 4.30 ,5 climate is really gud..we wont c usually tht time coz we'll b thr @ office..but its gud to go out tht time...u see the sun setin slowly...u do wana go thr ...i dono i have felt it int that way many times..
i love the wind ..i love to move along with it...i love to sing.."I just wana feel real love.."its amazing.....its amazing that u get to feel that....
even while writing these i could visualize the long road which is not ending at all..and the trees on both sides...lonely road me in the bike....its gud...
..and i really wana feeeeeeeeel real love...
coz i got so much love runnin troo my vein goin waste..:)

Thursday, April 05, 2007


i feel very bad about my way of behaving ..i dont like myself sometimes...most of the ppl cant accept the way i am i know but..even i cant help it...i dont know whthr i shld change it or notbut ...still things are very bad with me sometimes...i hate u arun ..not always ..sometimes.:)

Monday, March 12, 2007

my recent crap

continuous flow of thoughts into my brain ..s having some effect on my actions also..sometimes i wonder about fate(if it exists) if its not still we think of it; then thr is something like that.i blv think about something only when you feel it..we can feel and sense each thing...many times we ignore it.but when you find this truth about sensing things around you.i guess u'll beamazed.but still we make mistakes while sensing.this usually happens because of misunderstanding senses..that we wanted to make something which cannot be made in that way.which is absolutely ultimately u end up with what is sense..again its relative...according to the direction you walking your right can be left ..left can be whats real...there again you face a truth about relativity..still we want to fix the truth saying if this is right ..thts the only way it can be right..again nonsense....i think all these nonsense constitutes a learning which we never want to learn..why we all are so bullish..why we all are so....i dont know...but still...things will happen in specific format only..even though u wana know about it or u know about it....still you wait for something else.... and end up with cutting the crap..:)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Love to Hate

I know am misssing it.but as always am trying to avoid it..and failing again on my knees.I can never concider this as another let go.and i want to write these lines with heart.I still could't understand whats happening with it a search for destiny or somethingthat makes us insecure in life or is it live the life as it is.? still confused at thisside of life.may b i will get a better answer next do i controle this thoughts of mine which goes outer do i controle my heartwhich looks for stars at night and if its not finding moon whom should i dial?even my mobileseems to be blank.i think i am returning from something or taking another direction in different gear.i hate this feeling i simply hate it with all means.i would rather throw everything out.i really want to scream out ..scream as loud as i can ..let the stars hear it..let it blast into peaces..let everything i hate this one thing in my life..i knwo am missing it.:)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Somethngs are scary

This is one thing which i never wanted to write about.
May be i was afraid..yes i am...
Death stops our living stops everythng around us..
when i got the message about vinods death..i was in a shock for an hr.
thr was a weight over my chest;i could see the moments i spent with him,
those days in hostel we all had fun;
that guy;he just started living with very nice job;
i've never scn his wife and kid;but i can see their pain ;
these are somethings in life about which we never have answers.
Once i wrote in my mail, we all live to die;that was for fun;
but now i am thinkin about the fact which is hiding behind those words.
i know i wont get a chance to meet vinod again;
but it is very hard ti blv that hes not alive;
death destroys ur existance in a sec;
after that ur just a memory...
may be as or grandparents say..
they'll become a star up above the sky.and laugh at us..
whos nothng but waitin for the moment of surrender.
pray for his soul;