Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Scattered thoughts

“Sipiyon ki hoonth se moti chalak rahiein hai

Ghazlon ki sohbat mein geet bhi bhek rahi hai

samundar lehron ki lehron ki chadar odh ke so raha hai

Per mein jagu ek khumari ek nasa sa ek nasa sa ho raha hai

Tu magar hai bekhabar hai bekhabar

Dil Gira Kahin per dafatan”…

How scattered can be words yet they can be united in music. How scattered can be thoughts but yet they can glow in sound and that’s exactly what happened. I am listening to it and spreading my thoughts. I feel it. I can touch it. I can touch those guitar strings which makes this music. Its all scattered. Like my mind every thing is not in its place but still it makes music. I feel this sound is the same. I know it’s the same.

So how scattered can be thoughts..?

--Thanks to ARR

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Broken view

I think this is the end of road for both of us.
You’re gona take the next diversion. I knew it but still. I wanted the time to slow down.
“Move on” this is something which circles around my mind from quite a long time now..
I have been moving on from many years. from broken relations, from unfinished dreams,
From unsatisfied persons,from disastrous incidents, from pain, from sorrow.
I feel as if I have been running away from a long time.
Yes moving on is kind of running away. I am tired now.
But when I see your face I think that I cannot afford to feel weak. and I should not.
Mind is again a white paper you can come and write anything on it and when you are done with it ,when you are out of words for it. You can crush it and throw it to your waste basket. I expected it from the time you put ink on it.and that’s why I don’t feel anything.
You see .. I try to build my bridge over troubled water.
So that I could stand up and look ahead..far ahead where I can see you taking that diversion.
And I eat my share of mindless philosophy …