Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Somethngs are scary

This is one thing which i never wanted to write about.
May be i was afraid..yes i am...
Death stops our living clock..it stops everythng around us..
when i got the message about vinods death..i was in a shock for an hr.
thr was a weight over my chest;i could see the moments i spent with him,
those days in hostel we all had fun;
that guy;he just started living with very nice job;
i've never scn his wife and kid;but i can see their pain ;
these are somethings in life about which we never have answers.
Once i wrote in my mail, we all live to die;that was for fun;
but now i am thinkin about the fact which is hiding behind those words.
i know i wont get a chance to meet vinod again;
but it is very hard ti blv that hes not alive;
death destroys ur existance in a sec;
after that ur just a memory...
may be as or grandparents say..
they'll become a star up above the sky.and laugh at us..
whos nothng but waitin for the moment of surrender.
pray for his soul;

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