Monday, March 12, 2007

my recent crap

continuous flow of thoughts into my brain ..s having some effect on my actions also..sometimes i wonder about fate(if it exists) if its not still we think of it; then thr is something like that.i blv think about something only when you feel it..we can feel and sense each thing...many times we ignore it.but when you find this truth about sensing things around you.i guess u'll beamazed.but still we make mistakes while sensing.this usually happens because of misunderstanding senses..that we wanted to make something which cannot be made in that way.which is absolutely ultimately u end up with what is sense..again its relative...according to the direction you walking your right can be left ..left can be whats real...there again you face a truth about relativity..still we want to fix the truth saying if this is right ..thts the only way it can be right..again nonsense....i think all these nonsense constitutes a learning which we never want to learn..why we all are so bullish..why we all are so....i dont know...but still...things will happen in specific format only..even though u wana know about it or u know about it....still you wait for something else.... and end up with cutting the crap..:)

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