Saturday, October 31, 2009

Violet hill--- Coldplay

Bury me in honor
When I'm dead and hit the ground
A love back home unfolds

If you love me
Won't you let me know?

I don't want to be a soldier
With the captain of some sinking ship
With snow far below

So if you love me
Why'd you let me go?

I took my love down to violet hill
There we sat in snow
All that time she was silent still

So if you love me
Won't you let me know?

If you love me,
Won't you let me know?

Friday, October 16, 2009

3 days One destination..."Screw it Lets ride.."

"Its not the destination its the journey which matters..!!"

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

My window curtain

A sudden thought..My eyes went away from monitor..I was looking outside through window.
Till last week my window curtain was closed nobody opened it here..And I don’t know what made me do it.
But some days back when I came in the morning and opened the curtains..Morning light was flashing on me..It brought some kind of Happiness. Now every day morning I get sunlight..I am happy.
I was looking outside..I can see those two trees moving in the wind..A good sight. Only in Mysore
You can see this view. Not concrete jungle..
I always think why I am writing about some unusual, sad things..But maybe those are just emotions which are making me write.
You can call it as Inspirations.
I am really mad .I looked back in monitor. I think I should open the window now. May be what I need is some fresh air.