Wednesday, October 07, 2009

My window curtain

A sudden thought..My eyes went away from monitor..I was looking outside through window.
Till last week my window curtain was closed nobody opened it here..And I don’t know what made me do it.
But some days back when I came in the morning and opened the curtains..Morning light was flashing on me..It brought some kind of Happiness. Now every day morning I get sunlight..I am happy.
I was looking outside..I can see those two trees moving in the wind..A good sight. Only in Mysore
You can see this view. Not concrete jungle..
I always think why I am writing about some unusual, sad things..But maybe those are just emotions which are making me write.
You can call it as Inspirations.
I am really mad .I looked back in monitor. I think I should open the window now. May be what I need is some fresh air.

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