Monday, December 28, 2009

Last christmas i gave away my heart..!!

27-Dec-2009-7:40 PM

One drop of water fell on my face..i woke up from my sleep. Tried to look outside the window it was raining heavily.
i was afraid to open the side windows i knew it will make me wet. But it was a beautiful sight. Rain in December i was smiling. Rain makes me weak it brings fears to my senses. I usually avoid these thoughts but i cant escape it.I closed my eyes thought about last two days. It was great. The best Christmas ever.

24-Dec-2009 12.30 PM

I hate my profession sometimes. The end moment only issues will pile up. I need to catch 2 'O' clock bus but still am sitting over this shit. i was trying to make ways to escape.
Some how i escaped from work and was running towards bus stand. Got the bust looked @ my watch its 2.30 PM.
From morning i did't have any food but my hunger was just to reach cochin, it kept my excitement fresh.
Met my frnds @ MTDY then we started the journey .
This bus we were traveling was an ordinary one ,my friend who just landed from Australia was scolding Indian transportation system and the roads. People just come once in two years from abroad and scold system and go, i was smiling did't look at his face.
I enjoy journeys no matter in whatever format it is..ordinary bus or luxury coach i just need to keep moving i should be under constant motion.
by the time we reached calicut it was 9.45 PM ."So fckin hot man" i screamed. I knew i need a bottle of beer .

Mariya BAR Calicut 10.00 PM

We three were sitting now i know how a bottle of beer makes us feel when it is too hot and humid. I felt like m drinking a Godly drink.
beer made my senses cool. we started talking about several things but one thing still kept me awake, one thing to meet him @ cochin i wanted to go there as soon as possible.

25-Dec-2009 Eranakulam bus stand 4.30 AM

I saw his black swift suddenly .That ass stopped car in front of us and screamed.."Macha get in.."
His flat is in a really good apartment i liked the way it has been constructed.
but its a new one so there are less people staying.
"Lets go to the top floor you can see the water front..and view of cochin from there" my friend said.
I was excited. Even after 13 hours of tiring journey my pulse just kept beating heavy.
It was such a nice view from top floor. 5.00 AM in the morning lazy cochin was half a sleep.
we stood there for some time. Joking ,remembering our school days it was really like a get together after some long years.
@ 7.00 AM we decided to make some breakfast for our self i decided to help Thara.
it was fun to make our own breakfast .
After that we decided to go out
Fort cochin has a feeling to itself. Portuguese leftovers the buildings and roads had a different flavor.
i met some skimpy dressed foreigners ,some localities who had tattoos all around smoking cigars.
Whether was also nice not so hot we started walking through the streets.
Arjun showed me some trees and said its called as rain trees brought from Brazil.
These trees where decorating both sides of road. i loved the way they stood.
But the most exciting wonder was a one huge tree which they made as Christmas tree.
It was stunning.
I thought i need a house somewhere near to this street but then come back to the reality.
The KTDC beer parlor was so beautiful.
u can see a swimming pool from the place you sit .next to it was sea. u cannot even imagine the beauty of that sight.
i just relaxed on my couch looking at sea i was having my beer.
i have scene many people seeking happiness.
i wanted to getup and scream to the world
Happiness? yes this is happiness it is always in "This".
we search and hope for happiness in future but forget to look @ "This".
it will always be 'now' it is never there in future don’t waste your time.
i closed my eyes again smiling inside.
evening we went to a beautiful lounge pub. Ambiance was so great.
dim lights and candles on each tables makes the place so romantic.
but what a Royal stag like me will do being romantic alone?...hmm..
I left that question to myself and started enjoying my cocktail "Long island."
we ended the night with a tequila shot.
12.00 AM roads where almost empty.
i opened the window of my car. cold wind hit on my face.
feels i had a blast..
"Thank you santa you reminded me the importance of NOW because people are more worried about tomorrow."
Pursuit of happiness? ends in "Now".

27-Dec-2009-8:00 PM

I opened the door was still raining outside....heavily ..let it rain and wash away the fears!!

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