Monday, April 12, 2010

A mid summer night dream..

It was in some book i guess..that each place has its own smell..
while you were traveling you can still feel the place..same way each
memory of yours has a fragrance of its own..

I was driving on a long highway when it rained yesterday..thunder striking..
heavy rain and wind...i had no option other than to drive ..
after reaching home i was watching the rain by standing outside my room..
it was cold wet..some wet memories came through my mind..
my cigarette was burning in my hand as if it wanted to die early..

When i woke up it was late ..started rushing to office as usual...
when i stepped out i saw it was a bright sunny morning..
you know the sun light makes your mind brings in so much of energy..
and keeping my IPod on i started driving feels so great to be alive...
because you feel alive …and at this point of time that’s what matters..

"To feel alive.."

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