Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Why do people meet?

Just went to church I was running from house to reach there..now I could see her shoes outside I waited to enter the church door .when I got inside saw her sitting inside church all alone lookin @ mother mary’s statue just went to her she looked back I smiled and said “good morning” then I went to my knees and prayed, was praying for all of my friends family then I got up,she said” ll go?” I did’t hv anything to say coz inside I did’t want to leav just wanted to sit there the whole day,at the stairs simply talking abt those usual topics that we had. Which is not going to happen anymore.
Why do people meet?…I was telling her yesterday at last we all end up only with your life
And she was telling I just wanted to be travelers just roam here nd there . hmmm.. I always amazed on that craziness ,that openness.
We slowly walked outside of church and sat on the stairs again she started imitating me the way I play with my hair,the jackfruit tree next..all the nice time we had was going through my eyes like a movie..i felt like am letting leave something very close to me… may be yes may be no..
Then I said I’ll miss you yaar…she replied I’ll miss you too ..
I know I’ll miss many things…
But still now am standing at the church gate waving hand to her she was looking back from rick but I did’t have anything to say because inside I did’t want to leave just wanted to sit there the whole day,at the stairs simply talking abt those usual topics that we had. Which is not going to happen anymore.

1 comment:

Gauri Chandran said...

Indeed, indeed, I cannot tell,
Though I ponder on it well,
Which were easier to state,
All my love or all my hate.
Surely, surely, thou wilt trust me
When I say thou dost disgust me.
O, I hate thee with a love
That would fain annihilate;
Yet sometimes against my will,
My dear friend, I love thee still.
It were treason to our love,
And a sin to God above,
One iota to abate
Of a pure impartial hate.