Saturday, May 12, 2007

I do wana move with wind..It feels so great..dont u know?

Sometimes back i've red it somewhr..about a story of an angel who
sacrificed heaven to marry a human female..he has to become one human
just to fullfill his love..
so my point for today wont be angels wont be love wont be sacrifice either.
i want to talk about the feeling ..which is kinda gud...the feeling which u get
when u travel on a long road..both sides of the road will have trees sky high..
u travel on your bike..u could feel the wind hittin on your face...u really like the whethr..u start remembering some old songs and start singing..all feels so gud..
and you really dont want to stop the bike...u really hope that it run till the end of the world if it exists..
how nice...thats what i feel as a feeling...sometimes in late evenings around 4.30 ,5 climate is really gud..we wont c usually tht time coz we'll b thr @ office..but its gud to go out tht time...u see the sun setin slowly...u do wana go thr ...i dono i have felt it int that way many times..
i love the wind ..i love to move along with it...i love to sing.."I just wana feel real love.."its amazing.....its amazing that u get to feel that....
even while writing these i could visualize the long road which is not ending at all..and the trees on both sides...lonely road me in the bike....its gud...
..and i really wana feeeeeeeeel real love...
coz i got so much love runnin troo my vein goin waste..:)

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