Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Am doing great Buddy!!!!

Sometimes back....haha....sometimes back...i started talking about past also these days...
could be regarding anything but i talk about past.thts cool baby,...anyways....
while traveling in bus towards home last weekend ..i was looking outside window...clear sky and
plain fields were making my mind calm..suddelny a thought of satisfaction came to me...
mind was calm ..expect some financial crisis nothing was worrying my life...i was having taste of life in full swing ..all these weekend trips..meeting friends..doing all that i wants..drinking the best coffe
having the best of everything..thank God for all these and many...
i really wana make a memory by stealing a pc of Time i wish i could.
at last am doing great...thts really cool..
[advice to all when u stop using ur mobile phone..
u start enjoing life more....it may sound mad but thats true.]

1 comment:

Gauri Chandran said...

buddy i wanna seriously comment on this blog :)
drinking coffe??? hav u eva drink dat??? hi hi hiii u knw wt i mean

nd abt mobile fones, huh.. dude u cannot stay happy without dem... dey r like intergral part of ya life..
every morning wen u wake up the first thng u sear beside u is nt ur partner , nor ur prayin beads, bt is ur mobile fone.. nd u speak abt nt usin dem....geeeeeeee