Thursday, September 27, 2007


The day has come.after a month of uncertainty we all are going to goa atlast
We all had tighten our bags. Packed whatever we can. just a wait for the start now.
i just came to the office.
not really in a mood to work..why the hell shld i..smiles all over..and again hoping for a memorable trip.
i wanted to name the trip as reincarnation from the begining and now am doing it officially.
The word has lot to do with my perspective for this.and me as i am taking a long needed break in life which i needed.
i want a rebirth to this world..i wanted to shed all my
old feathers ,i wanted to get new skin on which i could fly troo the clouds of fresh air.hmm..
this is too much of blabbering i know but iwant it..bit nervous cos i dont know how the trip will turn out.
Weather forecast is bad i know..hmm i cannot imagine goa in rain anyways...i believe its the uncertainty
that gives birth to beuty in all the things..may be ..may not be..but all set..eight of us will be travelling tonight..
eight of us will be having the sip of excitment,8 of us will be together...and
8 of us...

Gonna be

On Board

All together..
to be contind....

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