Tuesday, December 16, 2008


He was just another person..just another friend…but I am surprised with some of his attributes now…
He has grown from being a regular confused young one to …confused and matured Man.
Man that word has some meaning to it..what are the things which defines it I am not sure ..
But may be next time I see him I may recognize him as a man…now I understand the depth of that word..
He goes around with his flamboyant style…outside has lots of glitters….but inside he always felt alone..
Those usuall fears…
But time has made u grow..its just been a gud teacher..and u a gud student..
I have scene his journey …we all guys pass through that..young fellow out of collage with loads of dreams and …style..slowly time makes you learn…we go against the tide later we swim along..sometimes forced to but still we do…
He has grown the same way…but in a different manner…I was a spectator for all…and I am happy about that fact….and he is a special person..he holds an address in this world ..i don’t know whether he realized that…
That anyways your inner voice will tell you buddy…but its great to see you…may be time will divide us in different places but what hold us together is one word..


Praveen VS said...

aaarado athu????
athum njagalde groupil aaa "MAN"

Arun said...

secret..top secret..