Thursday, May 14, 2009

A swollen left leg and Love

I hate to talk about my helplessness.
It eats me up when i feel about it,i hate it to the core.
who likes the fact of being surrounded by your own disabilities..
now this is going to be so fcn negative talk which comes from my mind..
i want to be free of my fears..hug my affirmations...
what’s living?..a swollen leg on your CPU and doing your job?
or roaming as a free soul?..what defines living?..
i found the answer its you .
Iits Love ..that’s what defines life..
Love which makes you feel good about someone who sits miles away and cleaning her house.
Love which makes you worry about someone who didn’t come online as usual.
Love which makes you sad when you celebrate your birthday alone without them.
Love which makes you jump when your friend calls you and says macha lets go for a drive.
Love which makes you carry a gas cylinder to a three story building limping; just to help your friend.
Love which makes you the happiest person on this earth ..when all of your friends sit together and you crack the most disastrous joke in the world and they beat you up.
i dont wana sing "Love is all around"..
but it is..
and love towards swollen left leg of mine..cheers!!

1 comment:

Latha said...

>>i dont wana sing "Love is all around"..

Do sing - sing it loudly - you see a lot crowd, with you, all around :)